3rd Quarter Blog

Hi Mr. B and Doc Oc! This is my favorite post from this quarter :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What Could You Be Arrested For?

Today I was just looking around on the Internet and found an article on CNN that said that "A New Zealand bar manager and two Burmese colleagues were sentenced to two and a half years in jail in a Yangon court on Tuesday."  What was their crime? It was posting a picture of a Buddha wearing headphones on Facebook, in order to promote an event.  The article mentions a bunch of other strange incidents you can get arrested for in foreign countries.  Which got me thinking.  What strange laws could you be arrested for in the United States?
Upon a little research I found a few websites and some laws jumped out at me the most.  
This first one confuses me a little, because then wouldn't Halloween be illegal?
2. Students may not hold hands at school. 
I thought this was weird, too because I feel like the police would have to come for a lot of kids at my high school.  However, apparently the reasoning behind it is because it is a "gateway" to sexual activities.  Weird.
3. It is a felony to steal more than $1000 of grease
Why would anyone ever need or steal $1000 worth of grease?

There are some pretty funky laws in our legal system and it can be pretty amusing to see what you could get in trouble for.  What's do you think is the weirdest law?

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